For a Limited Time Join our Membership Community for $0 !!!

Immigrants in Corporate Membership

Become a member of our non-profit and unlock a space where you can find both professional advice and community support.

What you'll get:

  • A Membership to Immigrants in Corporate Inc., a 501c3 Non Profit
  • Community access allows you to ask questions and network with immigrant professional peers, mentors, and coaches.
  • Access to bonus content, networking events, in-person events, career development resources, and more!

For a limited time - sign up to become a member for $0!

Please note that there is a donate button on the home page if you choose to contribute to the nonprofit as a donor.

Any donation to the 501c3 non-profit is tax deductible. If you have any questions, please contact us using the form on the homepage of Thank you for your support!